Friday, 17 November 2017

Stowe School, Bucks 11th November 2017

I joined the Bucks Fungus Group (BFG) today although only seven people made it possibly due to the distance for most as very North Bucks, but perfect for me being just down the way! We searched a relatively small area of the Grecian Valley by the Temple all morning, mostly off-limits to the public. We had some great finds and ended with 69 species led by Penny Cullington and Derek Schafer, the two most prominent foray leaders and knowledgeable mycologists you can find. I managed to find 13 species, some of which were new to the site, but we had 23 new species for the morning plus one county first in Mycena citrinomarginata - which I missed! All photos are normally my finds, adding the occasional must see found by other BFG members, which is noted under each.

Coprinopsis atramentaria - Common Inkcap
These were extremely large 6cm plus across, probably largest seen by all ever.

Hygrocybe punicea - Crimson Waxcap
Mnay fruiting bodies around and all types of aging, extremely large and quite beautiful Waxcap. (Found by Paul Cullington)

Hygrocybe punicea - Crimson Waxcap

Russula fragilis - Fragile Brittlegill

Clitocybe fragrans - Fragrant Funnel

Melanoleuca melaleuca - seldom recorded.

Mycoacia nothofagi - unusual resupinate found under large beech log

Parasola plientilis - possibly var. similis

Pholiota gummosa - Sticky Scalycap
Entoloma conferendum var. conferendum - Star Pinkgill

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