Thursday, 9 November 2017

Bradenham Woods, Bucks 1st October 2017

As a member of the Bucks Fungus Group I attended their foray through this old beech based woodland which is not far from High Wycombe. Around 20 people attended during drizzly weather so it showed how keen members or the public are to see and find fungi these days. I have often been told I am a 'funguy' so rather than disappoint everyone I increased my interest in fungi, as I think that's what they meant! We found between us all around 95 species, led by one of the leading mycologists in the area Penny Callington. 

Tricholoma ustale - Burnt Knight

Lepiota castanea - Chestnut Dapperling
(Uncommon to site)

Clitocybe phaeophthalma - Chicken Run Funnel

Geastrum triplex - Collared Earthstar

Cortinarius decipiens - probable, as slightly gone over.

Entoloma sericatum

Craterellus cornucopiodes - Horn of Plenty

Inocybe lilacina - Lilac Fibrecap

Lactarius subdulis - Mild Milkcap

Pluteus ephebeus (first for site)

Mycena rosea - Rosy Bonnet

Mycena crocata - Saffrondrop Bonnet

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