Thursday, 9 November 2017

Penn Woods and Penn St Church 29th October 2017

Once again joined up with the Bucks Fungus Group led by Penny Callington. After a slow start in the paths from the church the common and cricket pitch were busy with waxcaps and other fruiting bodies, much more than this time last year when hardly any had appeared. I found my first Field Blewitt, and first for the foray with a white Puffball being found close to the road by mole hills, was a Mosaic Puffball, and large one at that. Finding Branching Oyster on a fallen tree. Some of my finds here:

Clavulinopsis luteolba - Apricot Club

Lepista saeva - Field Blewitt

Geoglossum fallax

Pseudohydnum gelatinosum - Jelly Tooth

Lycoperdon utriforme - Mosaic Puffball

Mucilago crustacea - Slime moulds

Hygrocybe insipida - Spangle Waxcap

Cantharellus tubaeformis - Trumpet Chanterelle

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