Thursday, 9 November 2017

Bucknell Wood, Northants 4th October 2017

I visited this site just north of Brackley, again a mixed woodland with deciduous and conifer trees together. Footpaths are few and far between but that doesn't matter to a fungifinder, with strange broad rimmed hat, muddy knees jeans and a camera!  An interesting species of Cortinarius was evident which is shown here, overall seeing over 45 species in around three hrs. So quite good still at this time of the year but I could see that Lactarius and Russulas seen earlier this year there were now less around. 

Inocybe napipes - Bulbous Fibrecap

Cortinarius cinnabarinus - Cinnabar Webcap

Cortinarius cinnabarinus - Cinnabar Webcap

Russula queletii - Fruity Brittlegill

Chlorociboria aeruginascens - Green Elf Cup

Lactarius vietus - Grey Milkcap

Asterophora lycoperdoides - Powdery Piggyback (on Russula nigricans)

Lactarius deliciosus - Saffron Milkcap

Pseudocraterellus undulatus - Sinuous Chanterelle

Thelephora palmata - Stinking Earthfan

Cortinarius torvus - Stocking Webcap

Lactarius fulvissimus - Tawny Milkcap

Russula claroflava - Yellow Swamp Brittlegill

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