Wednesday, 25 April 2018

St James Park, Brackley - 24th April 2018

I was keen to try to find St George's Mushroom, although a day late I didn't think any fungi could have a human calendar embedded in it's make-up. I was wrong, as I did find a small cluster in parkland, but they must have been there for a day already as had mostly been trodden on by local dogs or whatever, but fortunately some fruiting bodies survived which I have shown here. Whilst there, I came upon a few species of Cups or Peziza species which were intriguing to find as they was a profusion of them on soil which I know had been dredged up by the local council a mth earlier. This was a mixture of darken soil, wood chips and mixture of old branch debris and manure. Quite a mixture, and so led me to push the ID on these difficult species towards Peziza repanda or Peziza varia complex.  This site is managed for the public by the local Council in Brackley whom do an excellent job of keeping the site clean and fitting for nature to take it's course. They recently introduced new wildlife notice boards to inform all of what can be expected to be seen in the site, which was highly informative, inc wild flowers, fish as well as birds, etc. Fungi wasn't listed but expected.

Calocybe gambosa - St George's Mushroom

Calocybe gambosa - St George's Mushroom

Peziza Varia complex possibility - Layered Cup

Peziza repanda possibility - Palamino Cup

Peziza repanda possibility - Palamino Cup

Hypoxylon multiforme - Birch Woodwart

Probably Phellinus pomaceus - Cushion Bracket

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