Thursday, 15 March 2018

Astonhill Coppice and Tingewick Woods, Bucks 15th March 2018

Once again a brief foray into two local areas, the first at Astonhill*, is close to Wendover Woods and also used a lot by off-road bicycles where a multitude of tracks exist. The great thing about this place is the wonderful array of Yew trees at its entrance, hence finding the resupinate crust that goes with them.  Tingewick Woods** is an ancient woodland offering excellent fungi in season. At this time of the year then only a few all year specialties can be found, as I have shown here. Still, Polyporus leptocephalus or Blackfoot Polypore was a first for me, even if a little worse for wear as only a week after thick snow had covered everywhere.

Amylostereum laevigatum on Yew*

Hypoxylon multiforme - Hazel Woodwart at *

Botryobasidium subcoronatum (probable) at *

Polyporus leptocephalus - (Blackfoot Polypore) at **
Skeletocutis vulgaris - (Possible) at **

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