After several attempts at recognising a small white agaric growing by itself amongst a small oak plantation within the parkland I eventually worked out that the spore size, unusual at 4.5 x 2.78± belonged to Agaricus comtulus. This hasn't been seen in Cornwall since 1973, and before that into the 19th century with a few records. So best find of the day for me. In a trail through broad-leaved woodland I found (now renamed) Jackrogersella minutellum, a hypoxylon type fungus attached in bundles to a rotting oak tree. Fairly common, but for this type of specimen quite attractive in its own way. In the grasslands where sheep's dung was very apparent, I came across a Galerina looking fungus growing on dung and made for quite a picture even if on this substrate. This turned out to be an uncommon Deconica coprophila. Also early in the grasses and spotting minute little parachute type fungi in the grass and after spreading myself face-first to the fungi became another uncommon species in Marasmius curreyi. This turning more brick-red on drying. One of the Atlantic coast specialities and polypore fungi found here on hawthorn was Perennipora ochroleuca, to be fair was shown this by members of the group, but very rare outside Cornwall. In a clump of Compact Rush, I dived down the centre and pulling out just a few old dead stems found a minute asco showing itself just under the hand lens. This was to be Phomatospora dinemasporium in its asexual state. A typical example of the beauty that fungi can display, no matter how small. Again, in the grasslands which was producing more fungi that the wonderful but fungi less woodlands, I came across a single Psathyrella species, which after careful examination at home became P. artemisiae, (or P. squamosa to some) - Petticoat Brittlestem. Lastly, for me but this time in the oak woodland I found the only Boletus type species in Xerocomellus pruinatus or Matt Bolete. A very misty, damp day when starting out but gradually brightened up and most of us had a good day and exciting finds in this beautiful coastal woodland and park.
Agaricus comtulus
Agaricus comtulus spores |
Deconica coprophila basidia |
Deconica coprophila
Deconica coprophila spores
Jackrogersella minutellum
Marasmius curreyi
Marasmius curreyi spores |
Perennipora ochroleuca
Phomatospora dinemasporium
Phomatospora dinemasporium spores
Psathyrella artemisiae
Psathyrella artemisiae spores
Xerocomellus pruinatus spores |
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