Thursday, 11 June 2020

Mid May - June Many uncommon species found - even in lockdown.

I felt it was time to head to the moors and see what Spring could produce in the beautiful area of Minions, especially around Phoenix Mine area. One area of the moor descends into a valley here and a footpath took me into a shaded copse with Hawthorn and gorse, where a little dampness still survived. My hopes were brighter as so far the weather has been so hot that most areas were extremely dry. Here, under a fallen gorse branch I found a pinky-golden resupinate. This turned into a 4th Cornwall record in Megalocystidium luridum. At the same location I collected a small ascomycete inoperculate cup fungi which became a first in Neodasyscypha cerina. Later, whilst wondering through the valley wooded area at lower elevation where I could check the streams, I decided it was time for a rest and munch some snacks and drink water. On seeing a heavy looking branch close by the stream I decided to sit down and even tested it, but after 10 secs or so it gave way, more I like to think to the decrepit nature of the branch and not my weight, I then tumbled over backwards did my usual superman instance reflex jig and turned upside down and landed on the only large stone in the grass behind me. Oh blast, I said, I think. Took two weeks for the pain to go away but that's what the fungi does to you - and the tree. Later I visited Cabilla Woods and after ignoring the 'Beware of the Bull' sigh put up by the local Wildlife Trust (on a public footpath) then I was into better surroundings. Only one worth mentioning here was tiny asco Orbilia alnea, which although quite rare, I couldn't get spores to show and so let this go as a 'certain' record. Whilst examining the material I came across even smaller 'sticks' coming out of the substrate which I felt were Sporothrix polyporicola. I feel this is under recorded as it's so small (x400 picked them out) and like me you have to accidentally find it. 3rd in UK, and already the 2nd, so you see what I mean.
A few days later I decided to return to the moors, this time in the higher North Bodmin moors at Bowithick. A delightful location and was peaceful in the past. I was shocked to see at least 15 families, dogs and fizbies being flung around, no doubt as lock down had recently been relaxed. Undaunted, and an audience wondering why I hadn't brought my kite and why I was the only person wondering around like a demented loner looking at the ground. Nothing to mention early on but just before coming home, annoyed I hadn't brought my kite, I came across some wonderful small red/orange cup fungi growing on soil near the river. After careful examination and cross-checking with AscoFrance, these turned into 1st for the South West in Ramsbottomia asperior, showing amazing spiky spores never seen before.
Once again considering the hot day again, I came across a damp almost muddy path. Never thought I would be delighted to see one, but proved that just slightly damp areas, not even wet can bring results. A small pale ochre inoperculate cup fungi turned into Phaeohelotium subcarneum. 1st for Sth West England. Thanks to Peter Thompson's book, 'Ascomycetes in Colour', one I shall rely on for days to come to find all types of new species for me and Cornwall. At Tuckingmill (just NE of Camelford) I ventured into the nature reserve kept specially for the protection of butterflies I came across a large Bamboo bush by a water outlet. To me any plant that is unusual can attract unusual fungi and so it was the case here. Two in fact. Stictis stellata was found on the stem base conical protective leaf that grows on some species of Bamboo, but again after careful analysis and help from my friends at AscoFrance online. Brilliant website and forum. This was followed by small black dots - coming to be Anthostomella tomicoides, again an unusual record. On a old heap of discarded and cut bramble I discovered more dots, however the more you try the better it gets and these turned into the uncommon Lophiostoma pulveraceum - again 1st for Sth West England. Lastly, and just into July I visited Hawkes Wood again and found Hysterium angustatum from horizontal black extruding slits but better still then found from more black dots on Fagus and after careful examination by my colleague Pauline Penna of CFRG, as being Trematosphaeria pertusa. Another 1st for Cornwall. What a month it has been. Let's face it, it's not all luck, it's where you spend your time looking, what to ignore and what to study, careful analyses at the time what is new and what isn't and even more careful examination through microscopy afterwards brings its rewards. Experienced and helpful colleagues as they are in the Cornwall Fungus Recording Group - makes for involvement in fungi all the more rewarding. Go to:

Megalocystidium luridum on gorse

M. luridum - spores

Neodasyscypha cerina

Neodasyscypha cerina

Neodasyscypha cerina spores

Orbilia alnea - probable!

Sporothrix polyporicola - note spore sac at peak

Ramsbottomia asperior

Ramsbottomia asperior asci

The amazing spikey spores of Ramsbottomia asperior

Phaeohelotium subcarneum

Phaeohelotium subcarneum

Stictis stellata paraphyses

Stictis stellata (less than 0.5mm!)

Anthostomella tomicoides asci

Anthostomella tomicoides spores

Lophiostoma fuckelii var pulveraceum

Lophiostoma fuckelii var pulveraceum asci and spores

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