Friday, 31 August 2018

Dunmere Woods, Nr Wadebridge, Cornwall - 27th August 2018

This site is mostly Forestry Commission land with areas available for public access halfway between Wadebridge and Bodmin. As soon as I had entered the site I came across quite a few Boletus species which were accompanied by mushrooms covered in a thick yellow or powdery dust, something I have not seen before. This I identified later as being Hypomyces chrysospermus, a parasitic fungus that grows only on boletes. Fairly common apparently but a first for me. A forest area consisting mostly of spruce was carpeted with 100's of False Chanterelle across the forest floor although not much else was found. A few 'The Flirt's' were found here and there in singles, also new to me and as I edged towards more traditional Beech and Oak trees I came upon a remarkable looking Russula. This transpired later as being Russula virescens or Greenbacked Brittlegill. This shows a mosaic pattern on the cap and can be seen here in the photo. Uncommon, but widespread I found only five previous records for Cornwall, so a nice find and obviously new to me again. On re-entering spruce forest not a great many species were showing. An immature 'The Blusher' appeared before I came across an Amanita sps which I felt transpired to be the less common Grey-veiled Amanita. It was growing alongside a seldom used pathway with a young Amanita patherina, or the deadly poisonous Panthercap. See pic.

Russula virescens - Greenbacked Brittlegill
(Very uncommon and 6th record for Cornwall)
Hygroporopsis aurantica - False Chanterelle
A beautiful example of the gill structure of a larger example.

Hypomyces chrysospermus -
a parasitic dusting fungus mould in its yellow form

Hypomyces chrysospermus -
in its white form on boletes.

Clitocybe phyllophila - Frosty Funnel in its early stages.

Amanita porphyria - Grey-veiled Amanita (Uncommon)

Postia tephroleuca - Grayling Bracket

Russula vesca - The Flirt

Marasmiellus ramealis - Twig Parachute

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